Waiyee Loh
Associate Professor of World Literature
Comics are a great way of working through difficult ideas. I have been using comics as a pedagogical tool in my seminars, as well as in my own research activity more widely. Here are some examples.

"The English C19 Novel" (2016): I asked the students to draw illustrations of the Martians from H. G. Wells's _The War of the Worlds_ based on their readings of the novel. This was my take on the Martians emerging from their spaceship.

"Modes of Reading" (2018): An easy-to-understand way of reminding students not to simply impose theory onto the text.

Describe your image

"The English C19 Novel" (2016): I asked the students to draw illustrations of the Martians from H. G. Wells's _The War of the Worlds_ based on their readings of the novel. This was my take on the Martians emerging from their spaceship.